Have you received a paycheck, only to find that the funds were not available when you went to cash that check?
This is a violation of California employment law. Funds must be immediately available when you go to cash your paycheck. If you have been unable to cash a paycheck, you have rights — including the ability to claim your rightful compensation, interest on your money and possible penalties assessed to your employer. Your employer may also be required to pay opposing counsel attorney fees.
The firm of Peter K. Levine can take action on your behalf to obtain the money that has been unfairly denied you, plus interest and penalties. Call 323-934-1234 or contact us online to arrange for a free initial consultation.
Payment With Out-of-State Checks Attorney Peter K. Levine
The inability to cash a paycheck is most common in cases where the check has been drawn on an out-of-state bank, but the law applies to checks drawn on California banks as well.
For some employees a delay in clearance of a paycheck is merely an inconvenience. But for many employees, the lack of immediate availability of cash means no gas for their car, no food purchases for their families or no housing payments until the check clears. Recognizing this, the State of California is ready to enforce the law when evidence is presented in court.
Peter K. Levine is an experienced employment law attorney who fights for the rights of employees. If you and your fellow employees have been unable to obtain immediate payment when you went to cash a paycheck, our firm will use the law to seek compensation, interest and any additional penalties that may apply.
Class Action Suits
Cases involving inability to receive payment for out-of-state checks or in-state checks almost always involve an entire group of employees. In this situation, the firm of Peter K. Levine can file a class action suit on behalf of the entire employee group. This provides many benefits to the group, and can enable our firm to apply greater legal resources to your case.
Whether your case involves inability to obtain payment with out-of-state checks or in-state checks, our firm will work with energy and determination to fight for the compensation, interest and penalties you deserve.
Free Consultation with a Lawyer
For a free consultation with Peter K. Levine, call 323-934-1234 or send us an e-mail.